1. When can a student start his/her prep journey to U.S. universities?
Ans. You can start preparing as early as the 8th grade. Since you cannot get yourself into standardized test preparations at this stage, you can start with basic research from the US News website about the universities: know the lifestyle, and job offers in the US. Furthermore, indulge yourself in practical projects that can help you participate in events like Google Science Fair and participate in competitions or olympiads. For assistance with practical projects, you can enhance your college applications with COGNO. You can take subject-oriented olympiads like Maths, Science or Literature in which you can showcase your skills.
2. What preparation techniques should you adopt in order to increase your chances of getting a good score for your dream college?
Ans. Many Students do not have a habit of reading. Reading is a very crucial part of Standardized Tests and developing this habit as early as possible will prove to be beneficial in the later years. Try incorporating this habit if you don’t have it and work on it. Start reading articles from New York Times or Wall Street Journal. Enhance the habit of comprehending the theme behind the given passage which will help in SAT or ACT.
3. What gives a head start to your application process beginning from 9th grade?
Ans. 9th grade is significant for your college application. It carries approximately 10% weightage of your entire academics. You can start preparing for your PSAT while you’re in 9th grade. Use the PSAT as practice for the SAT or ACT because it is an important guidepost on your college admissions journey. Your projects and olympiads can again be picked up in 9th grade without compromising with your academics. Along with this, you can opt for a couple of APs while moving from 9th to 10th grade in easy subjects such as Environmental Science or Computer Science. Furthermore, you must be familiar with one of the computer languages.
4. How should you proceed with your prep journey in 10th grade?
Ans. It’s now time to actually start thinking about your dream college and checking its requirements (SAT, ACT, AP, Subject SAT). Ig like every student you are also in a dilemma of whether you should take the SAT or ACT, you can go for one diagnostic test from Tutela and once you decide on SAT or ACT, you can start preparing for the same. This preparation can take 6 months to a year time. Based on your diagnostic test score you can plan your 1st attempt. We recommend students take their first attempt at SAT or ACT by December or January of 10th grade. Along with the SAT or ACT, one can go for a few APs tools to boost his/her application.
5. How to plan your 11th grade?
Ans. In June, appear for the second attempt at SAT/ACT, if required. This means by July/August your college requirements must have been met as per your course selection. In case you’re applying for Technical or Professional Courses like Engineering or Computer Science major then you will need SAT Subject Scores as well. If you’re looking for Tier 1 universities, it is recommended to take 1-3 SAT Subject Tests. These standardized tests can be taken in Maths Level 1 & 2, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Literature. Therefore, take a diagnostic test to figure out your area of interest and which subject with the least amount of effort can fetch you a perfect score. Math Level 2 subject test is mandatory and all others are not. Besides this, you have to prepare for APs in subjects like Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Physics C Mechanics, Physics Electrostatic & Magnetism, Chemistry, and Biology based on what major you will take in college.
6. How to utilize the summer and winter break time of 11th grade optimally?
Ans. While you’re in your 11th grade, you already started with SAT Subject Tests and might be planning for more SAT Subject Tests while moving to 12th grade. During your summer and winter break of the 11th grade, plan of doing an internship, plan projects, work on building your profile, help the underprivileged(indulge in social work) or learn something new. All of this extra work will prove to be fruitful during your admissions at the university. These things help you prove the skills you carry besides your academic scores.
7. Should you actually be worried about college applications in your 12th grade?
Ans. No, you don’t have to stress about your college applications in your 12th grade. While fulfilling all the requirements of your desired college, your 11th grade must’ve taken a toll on your school's academic performance. You might not have scored as per your expectations. Hence, you can compensate for that by scoring well in your 12th grade. Therefore, just focus on your academics while you’re in 12th grade.
8. How much weight is given to your school academics?
Ans. When applying to U.S. universities, 50% of the weightage goes to the academic transcript of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th midterm. If there’s a considerable increase in your scores from 11th to 12th grade then it gives the teachers and the school authority to have faith in you and give you a good predicted score. A good predicted score is a very important aspect of your college application as it is the only way of getting accepted by your college. 12th boards will be in the month of March and results will be out in June. By that time you’ll get your college acceptance. Based on your predicted scores, college authorities will have an idea of approximately how much you will score on your Boards.
9. How much weightage does every component of your college application carry?
Ans. Out of the entire academics profile, 50% is given to school academics, 30% to standardized test scores (SAT or ACT, APs, SAT Subject Tests), and the remaining 20% is given to your social contribution and projects. Priority should be given in the same order to each parameter. Try to make your predicted score strong so that your chances of getting into your dream college increase.
10. How to begin with the application process?
Ans. It is advisable to get done with your ACT or SAT the moment you enter 11th grade. Save the extra time to score a good predicted score, write essays, Statement of Purpose (SOPs), bag a good recommendation from the authorities where you did your internship and a Letter of Recommendation (LOR). All of this can be done when you’ve invested a sufficient amount of time in every area. Soon the application process will start with the common application being the first one. By mid-Jan of your 12th grade, you’re done with your entire work. So now prepare well for your boards and wait for college acceptance letters.
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