It is not easy to score 99 percentile on SAT but no one said that it is impossible. Essentially, perfection is required during the prep as the SAT is not so forgiving.
If we talk about sections, in Reading, one can afford to miss only 1 or 2 questions, in Math one has to get every question correct and in Writing, one can miss 1 question at most. In broad strokes, the preparation will require a lot of hard work, a lot of smart work, and some amount of luck. Let’s dig deeper into the preparation strategies.
1. Always use HIGH-QUALITY resources or practice materials
Checkout: Tutela Prep’s SAT Study Material
2. Improving the SAT score is about QUALITY FIRST, QUANTITY SECOND
One must not pound his or her head against the wall and use a brute approach by getting through every single book one have. As tempting as just focusing on getting work done might be, understanding the weaknesses is what takes real time and energy. Students must make sure they get most of their studying by making it as efficient as possible. Understand the pattern of the passages, questions, and options. Get used to the SAT Paper pattern.
3. Being RUTHLESS towards mistakes
Every mistake made on a test happens for a reason. Understanding EXACTLY why a particular question was missed will prevent the student from making that mistake again and again. Consistent errors will end up holding back the score. Students should mark every question even if they are 10% unsure about it during practice. They must learn to review the correctly answered ones. Taking notes of the gist of the question, why it was missed and what needs to be done in the future to avoid that mistake are a few practices every student must swear by to safeguard their score. One can do this by asking themselves these 5-WHYs:
1. Why did I pick the wrong answer choice?
2. Why did the wrong answer choice have a phrase that was in the passage, but otherwise the meaning was wrong?
3. Why didn’t I fully understand the passage?
4. Why did I read the passage too quickly?
5. Why was I scared of running out of time?
4. Tracing the patterns of weakness and DRILLING THEM TO PERFECTION
Spending time on the areas that will get the biggest score improvement is very critical because of the limited time. But one must also learn to deal with topics that are difficult and uncomfortable. Students should drill themselves into those specific types of questions until they develop their own strategy for solving the questions.
5. ELIMINATING careless-errors
Students should double-check their answers as the SAT asks tricky questions. Students should make it a practice to underline what the question asks. Another practice can be writing what the question is looking for in the scratch area. It might sound like extra work, but it will be helpful in defeating careless errors by having a FAIL-PROOF system.
6. Developing efficient study habits
Getting the most out of every hour should be on one’s list if he/she is highly motivated to score a perfect 1600. Learning how to study more effectively has huge returns on students’ time.
1. Students should create a schedule and force themselves to stick to it.
2. Students have so many distractions at their fingertips that they need to let go of them.
3. Students should learn to channel their frustration into learning and growth.
7. Saving some time to double-check the answers
Aiming for a top score requires students to finish each section ahead of time to give themself time to double-check their answers. It is a good thumb rule to finish the section with 4 minutes to spare. Students should avoid being stuck on a question for more than 30 seconds. They can come back to it later.
8. Controlling the mind during the test
Vying for a perfect 1600 builds pressure but there is no room for error. Students should not psych themselves if they are having trouble with a question. Students need to trust the amount of work they have put into preparation and not let the stress ruin the test.
With these strategies in your knowledge, we hope you achieve your desired score. In case you need help, feel free to get in touch with us by filling out our assistance form