SAT Vocabulary Words : Digital SAT October 2023 Attempt

SAT Vocabulary Words Digital SAT October 2023 Attempt

1. Orthodox

Phonetic: (OR-thuh-doks)
Meaning: Orthodox refers to conforming to established or traditional beliefs, practices, or customs, especially in religion.  


  • The community adheres strictly to orthodox religious doctrines passed down through generations.  
  • Her family follows the orthodox rituals and traditions of their culture with unwavering dedication.

2. Reverberate

Phonetic: (rih-VUR-buh-rayt)
Meaning: Reverberate means to echo or resound repeatedly, typically as a result of vibrations or sound waves.


  • The sound of the thunder reverberated through the valley, shaking the windows with its intensity.  
  • His powerful speech reverberated in the auditorium, leaving a lasting impact on everyone who heard it.

3. Municipal

Phonetic: (myoo-NIS-uh-puhl)
Meaning: Municipal relates to or characteristic of a municipality or local government. 

  • The municipal council is responsible for managing public services and infrastructure within the city limits.  
  • She works for the municipal planning department, overseeing urban development projects in the area.

4. Sway

Phonetic: (SWAY)  
Meaning: Sway can be a noun referring to control or influence, especially over others' opinions or actions.  


  • The charismatic leader held great sway over his followers, inspiring them to action with his persuasive rhetoric.  
  • As a verb, sway means to move or swing back and forth or to influence or control someone or something.  
  • The trees swayed gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.

5. Spurious

Phonetic: (SPYOOR-ee-uhs)  
Meaning: Spurious describes something false, fake, or not genuine; lacking authenticity or validity.

  • The website was filled with spurious claims and unreliable information, making it difficult to discern fact from fiction.  
  • His spurious excuses for missing work failed to convince his skeptical boss.

6. Indulgently

Phonetic: (in-DUHL-juhnt-lee)  
Meaning: Indulgently means in a manner characterized by excessive leniency, tolerance, or generosity, often towards oneself or others.  

  • She smiled indulgently at her mischievous grandchildren, allowing them to eat dessert before dinner as a special treat.  
  • He lounged indulgently in the hammock, savoring the luxury of a lazy afternoon spent doing nothing.

7. Behold

Phonetic: (bih-HOHD) 
Meaning: Behold means to see or observe something, especially something impressive, remarkable, or awe-inspiring.  

  • As they reached the summit, they beheld a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding mountains.  
  • Behold, the majestic beauty of the ancient cathedral bathed in the golden light of the setting sun.

8. Scrupulous

Phonetic: (SKROO-pyuh-luhs)
Meaning: Scrupulous describes someone who is diligent, thorough, and conscientious in adhering to moral principles or performing tasks with great care and attention to detail.  


  • The scrupulous accountant meticulously reviewed every financial transaction to ensure accuracy and compliance with regulations.  
  • She is known for her scrupulous honesty and integrity in all her dealings.

9. Equivocal

Phonetic: (ih-KWIV-uh-kuhl)
Meaning: Equivocal means ambiguous or open to interpretation; unclear or having more than one possible meaning.  


  • His equivocal response to the question left everyone uncertain about his true intentions.  
  • The statement was deliberately equivocal, allowing the speaker to avoid making a definitive commitment.

10. Supplant

Phonetic: (suh-PLAHNT)  
Meaning: Supplant means to replace someone or something, typically by force or unexpectedly.  


  • The new digital format gradually supplanted traditional printed newspapers as the primary source of news for many people.  
  • As technology advances, older methods and systems are often supplanted by more efficient and innovative alternatives.

11. Satiate

Phonetic: (SAY-shee-ayt)  
Meaning: Satiate means to satisfy or fulfill a desire, appetite, or need completely or to excess.  


  • After hours of hiking, they stopped to rest and satiate their hunger with a hearty meal cooked over an open fire.  
  • Her thirst for knowledge could never be fully satiated, as she was always eager to learn more.

12. Palpable

Phonetic: (PAL-puh-buhl)
Meaning: Palpable means capable of being touched, felt, or perceived; tangible or easily noticeable.  

  • The tension in the room was palpable as the two rival teams prepared to face off in the championship game.  
  • The excitement among the audience was palpable as they waited for the curtain to rise on opening night.

13. Convening

Phonetic: (kuhn-VEE-ning)
Meaning: Convening refers to the action of bringing people together for a meeting, assembly, or gathering.  


  • The United Nations is convening a special session to address the humanitarian crisis in the war-torn region.  
  • The committee is convening next week to discuss proposals for improving public transportation in the city.

14. Idealize

Phonetic: (eye-DEE-uh-lize)
Meaning: Idealize means to regard or represent something as perfect, ideal, or better than it really is.  


  • Many people idealize their childhood memories, remembering only the happy moments and forgetting the challenges they faced.  
  • It's important not to idealize celebrities or public figures, as they are human and have flaws like everyone else.

15. Conventional

Phonetic: (kuhn-VEN-shuh-nl)
Meaning: Conventional describes something that conforms to accepted standards, practices, or norms, often based on tradition or common usage.  


  • The couple chose to have a conventional wedding ceremony with all the traditional customs and rituals.  
  • Despite his unconventional appearance, his views on morality are surprisingly conventional and conservative.

16. Heterodox 

Phonetic: (HET-uh-ruh-doks)
Meaning: Heterodox describes something that deviates from or contradicts established beliefs, doctrines, or principles, especially in religion or philosophy.

  • The philosopher's heterodox theories challenged traditional religious dogma and sparked controversy among theologians.  
  • She was drawn to the heterodox teachings of the mystic, which offered a fresh perspective on spirituality.

17. Irrefutable

Phonetic: (ih-REF-yoo-tuh-buhl)
Meaning: Irrefutable describes something that cannot be disproved or refuted; indisputable or beyond doubt.  


  • The evidence presented by the prosecution was irrefutable, leaving no doubt about the defendant's guilt.  
  • Despite his best efforts, he could not come up with an irrefutable argument to counter her logic.

18. Venerate

Phonetic: (VEN-uh-rayt)
Meaning: Venerate means to regard with deep respect, reverence, or admiration, often for someone or something considered sacred or worthy of honor.  


  • The ancient monument is venerated as a symbol of the nation's heritage and identity.  
  • In many cultures, ancestors are venerated through rituals and ceremonies honoring their memory.

19. Arduous

Phonetic: (AHR-joo-uhs)  
Meaning: Arduous describes something that requires great effort, labor, or perseverance, often involving difficulty, hardship, or strenuous exertion.

  • The climbers faced an arduous journey to the summit, battling harsh weather conditions and treacherous terrain.  
  • Writing a novel is often an arduous process that requires dedication, discipline, and patience. 

20. Strenuous

Phonetic: (STREN-yoo-uhs)
Meaning: Strenuous means requiring or characterized by vigorous exertion, effort, or activity; physically demanding or mentally taxing.  


  • The athletes underwent strenuous training sessions to prepare for the upcoming marathon.  
  • She found the strenuous demands of her new job both challenging and exhilarating.

21. Unpretentious

Phonetic: (un-pri-TEN-shuhs)  
Meaning: Unpretentious describes someone or something that is modest, genuine, or not trying to impress others with a false appearance of importance or sophistication.  


  • They preferred dining at unpretentious neighborhood cafes over fancy, upscale restaurants.  
  • Despite his wealth and success, he remained unpretentious and down-to-earth, treating everyone with kindness and respect.

22. Satiable

Phonetic: (SAY-shee-uh-buhl)
Meaning: Satiable refers to something that can be satisfied or appeased, especially in terms of hunger, thirst, or desires.


  • After indulging in a delicious meal, their hunger was finally satiable, and they felt content.  
  • His curiosity about the world was insatiable, and he constantly sought out new experiences to satisfy his thirst for knowledge.

23. Incongruous

Phonetic: (in-KONG-groo-uhs)
Meaning: Incongruous describes something that is out of place, inconsistent, or not in harmony with its surroundings or context.  


  • The modern artwork looked incongruous in the historic museum, clashing with the traditional paintings on display.  
  • His cheerful demeanor seemed incongruous with the somber atmosphere of the funeral.

24. Recurrent

Phonetic: (rih-KUR-uhnt)
Meaning: Recurrent means occurring repeatedly or regularly; happening over and over again.  


  • She suffered from recurrent nightmares, which often disturbed her sleep.  
  • The company experienced recurrent financial setbacks due to fluctuations in the market.

25. Imposing

Phonetic: (im-POH-zing)
Meaning: Imposing describes something or someone impressive, grand, or commanding, often due to size, stature, or appearance.


  • The imposing castle loomed over the landscape, a symbol of power and authority.  
  • His imposing presence commanded attention, and people listened attentively when he spoke.

26. Mitigate

Phonetic: (MIT-i-gayt)  
Meaning: Mitigate means to make less severe, serious, or painful; to alleviate or lessen the impact or intensity of something undesirable.


  • Planting trees can help mitigate the effects of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  
  • The doctor prescribed medication to mitigate the patient's symptoms and provide relief.

27. Venerable

Phonetic: (VEN-uh-ruh-buhl)  
Meaning: Venerable describes someone or something worthy of respect, admiration, or reverence, often due to age, wisdom, or dignity.  


  • The ancient oak tree is considered venerable, with its gnarled branches bearing witness to centuries of history.  
  • The venerable professor is highly esteemed by her colleagues for her contributions to the field of science.

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