As we all know that the education sector has been hit hard due to this unprecedented event that has happened this year. COVID-19 has impacted everything on a large scale and every organization is dealing with this pandemic in its own way keeping in mind not only the welfare of the students but also its staff globally.
In this regard, the International Baccalaureate Organization has taken certain measures to combat this dreadful situation to help students in whatever way possible.
International Baccalaureate Organization has taken certain decisions after monitoring the current situation, which will help everyone that’s connected to this organization across the globe including schools, students, universities and official bodies.
Following are certain updates specifically relating to the exams by International Baccalaureate-
May Examination, 2020–
-The DP and CP examinations scheduled between 30 April and 22 May 2020 will no longer be held. It is expected that the November 2020 exams will proceed as scheduled, hence If current May session students would like to sit for exams in the November session in 2020 they can surely do so.
-Regarding the extensions for registration into the November 2020 session, IB will update the same on its official website.
-If any student who has not received enough teaching has the option to defer to a subsequent session for some or all the assessments, free of charge. In case you don’t wish to defer to the November exams session because of university admission deadlines, then the students should discuss their options with their DP/CP coordinator and university admissions officers.
Results of IBDP/IBMYP for 2020
Will students be awarded a Diploma, numerical grade for each subject, the core and overall?
International Baccalaureate Organization will be awarded Diplomas and Certificates for the May 2020 session:
-Basis for awarding diploma or certificate- The student will be awarded either a diploma or a course certificate which reflects their standard of work. The achievement will be based on the student’s coursework and the established assessment expertise, rigour and quality control already built into the programmes. Each student will be awarded a grade for each of his/her registered subjects using a calculation that takes into account his coursework marks and his predicted grade, as submitted to the IB by their school. For most components, IB will externally mark work that is usually marked by teachers, instead of taking samples and applying moderation.
-IB intends to release results to universities on 5 July 2020, as previously advertised. If this changes, we will inform universities and colleges. This means all student coursework and associated predicted grades will need to be uploaded by 20 April, if not sooner, in order to guarantee delivery of results by 5 July.
-If students are not happy with the results then schools will be able to submit Enquiry Upon Result (EURs) on the student’s behalf.
Retakes in May 2020 exam session for the candidates registered as a retake candidates–
-If you’re not happy with your exam results held in the may session 2020 then you can retake them in a future session.
-If you registered as a retake candidate then you can still take the exam in May 2020 exam session. However, as the IB is only assessing coursework now that the May examinations have been cancelled you will need to submit new coursework to the IB to receive a new grade – the IB cannot base grades on a coursework result from a previous year. The subject teacher will be required to confirm that the work you have completed is new and as part of a sampling process, the IB may request a copy of your old work to validate this.
-For retake candidates, the coursework is due no later than Monday 4 May 2020.
-In case you wish to retake the subject that has written and oral tasks, you don’t have to redo both oral and written tasks. You just need to submit at least one new component per subject, but for these subjects that can be either a new oral or a new written task.
-For retake candidates who already completed their retake EE or TOK essay assessments, their EE and TOK are being marked and grades issued as normal in the DP May 2020 session. Furthermore, you do not need to defer to the next exam session if you are only retaking TOK/EE.
Will MYP E-assessments also get postponed or cancelled?
The IB will be taking the following actions for the 2020 May MYP eAssessment session:
Click on the link to know more about the IB curriculum.
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Stay Safe. Stay healthy!