Seven days before the exam: tension and anxiety will definitely be soaring high. Students tend to give up or become complacent.
We suggest: Get logical.
A lot can change in 7 days: you can go from a 30 to 33 or from a 30 to 27. If you feel you haven’t given enough attention to your ACT preparation, now is the time to fuel that engine.
After observing the trend amongst students, we have curated a few last-week tips for all you nervous or underprepared test takers.
1. Take full-length tests (FLTs). Ideally, for your first attempt, one should take a total of 10 FLTs. If you haven’t taken any, please get started on it. Take 3-4 tests in the last week and maintain an error log. Need a free ACT practice test? Here you go!
2. Keep revising your notes and maintaining the error log.
3. Analyse your tests. Figure out the weak sections, which need a concept revisited.
4. Put yourself through rigorous sectional practice sessions for all the weak sections. Ensure that you are timing every sectional test. You should take at least 4 sectional tests( 2 per weak section)= 4 hours of practice.
5. Do not take the writing (essay) section for granted. Ensure that you write 3 essays before your actual exam.
6. Try to take the last 2 FLTs at the same time as your actual scheduled exam. If your ACT is at 9 AM, you should take your last 2 FLTs at 9 AM. This will help you get accustomed to the test-taking process and will give a reality check to all the sleepy heads.
7. Eat and sleep well. We cannot emphasize enough on this one. Students tend to have a nervous breakdown in the last few days. Hence, it is important to have a calm mind.
Still no clarity? Allow us to break your ACT prep journey in a systematic way.
Take Full-length test(FLT)# 1 with assigned breaks(No! Not the Instagram, Snapchat or surfing the internet breaks. The breaks between sections). Take the test in its entirety and with utmost seriousness.
After finishing the test, analyse your performance: which question types/concepts took time? Which section mentally exhausted you? When did you drain out? Are you facing trouble finishing any sections? Are you unable to maintain focus after the 3rd section? Simulate the exam environment and just be honest with yourself. It is YOUR ACT, after all. After the analysis, update your error log. Figure out the 2 weak sections for FLT #1.
Work on the detected weak sections by taking a few sectional practice tests( 2 per section). See which concepts need a revisit.
Take your full-length test #2 with the essay. Analyse your performance. Update your error log. Figure out the 2 weak sections.
Work on the detected weak sections by taking a few sectional practice tests( 2 per section). See which concepts need a revisit.
Take your full-length test #3 with the essay at the appointed test time. Analyse your performance. Update your error log. Figure out the 2 weak sections.
Work on the detected weak sections by taking a few sectional practice tests( 2 per section). See which concepts need a revisit.
Go through your notes- Grammar and Math. You can opt to not take any practice tests one day before the exam. Just relax. Try to calm your mind and body. Talk to your family. Play with your pet. Go out for a walk. Watch light headed Netflix show and try to be in bed by 10 PM.
The morning of THE DAY!
Wake up at a normal time. You should be at your exam centre at least 1 hour before the exam. Eat a good breakfast. Drink coffee or have an apple. Do not do anything special or extra or unusual on the test day. It should be just any other day and any other practice test. Listen to good music which does not linger in your head for long. Carry a chocolate bar and juice box for breaks. Also, do not forget to check your passport and any other document which needs to be carried. If you are one who likes to go through the notes till the last minute and cannot relax easily, you can go through some sample essays. Essays are the safest bet to revise. Do not solve any questions or go over a new concept in the last hour. Doing so might exacerbate the situation, making you nervous and panicky unnecessarily.
Be confident about what you know and your preparation. It is an easy exam. JUST TRUST YOURSELF AND DO NOT GET DISTRACTED WHILE YOU ARE IN THE EXAM HALL.
In case you need help with the ACT preparation from experts, let us know here.