A strong vocabulary helps students with reading comprehension, allowing them to grasp more complex texts and concepts. This is invaluable for standardized tests like the Digital SAT Exam. Furthermore, a rich vocabulary can boost the students' confidence during the exam, helping them stay calm.
Testing the student with Vocabulary is one of the main parameters of the Digital SAT Exam. It may not sound easy to memorize all kinds of words, but it is essential to understand the pattern in which the Vocabulary is tested.
This blog will examine all the vocabulary words used in the Digital SAT November 2023 attempt.
Digital SAT Vocabulary November 2023
1. Occupy
Phonetic: (AH-kyoo-pie)
Meaning: To occupy means to fill or take up physical or mental space.
- The students decided to occupy the library to protest against the new academic policies.
- The breathtaking view from the balcony occupied her thoughts throughout the day.
2. Reserve
Phonetic: (rih-ZURV)
Meaning: Reserve refers to a supply of something in case it is needed.
- The company maintains a reserve of emergency funds for unexpected expenses.
- The army maintains a strategic reserve of troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice.
3. Erratic
Phonetic: (ih-RAT-ik)
Meaning: Erratic describes something unpredictable or irregular in movement, behavior, or pattern.
- The erratic behavior of the driver made other commuters nervous on the road.
- The stock market's erratic fluctuations made investors hesitant to make any moves.
4. Equivocal
Phonetic: (ih-KWIV-uh-kuhl)
Meaning: Equivocal means ambiguous or open to interpretation; unclear.
- His equivocal response to the question confused everyone about the speaker's intentions.
- The politician's equivocal statements failed to address the concerns of the public.
5. Benevolent
Phonetic: (buh-NEV-uh-luhnt)
Meaning: Benevolent refers to someone kind, generous, and charitable.
- The billionaire's benevolent donations to the orphanage helped improve the lives of many children.
- The community greatly appreciated the benevolent efforts of the local volunteers.
6. Momentous
Phonetic: (moh-MEN-tuhs)
Meaning: Momentous describes something of great importance or significance, especially in history.
- The peace treaty signing was a momentous occasion for the war-torn nation.
- Graduating from college was a momentous achievement for her family.
7. Monetizing
Phonetic: (MAHN-i-tye-zing)
Meaning: Monetizing refers to the process of converting something into money or a source of income.
- The company's strategy focused on monetizing its online content through advertising.
- The blogger explored different methods of monetizing her blog to generate revenue.
8. Appraising
Phonetic: (uh-PRAY-zing)
Meaning: Appraising involves assessing or evaluating the value, worth, or quality of something.
- The real estate agent spent hours appraising the property before determining its market value.
- She spent the afternoon appraising the antique furniture she inherited from her grandmother.
9. Unequivocal
Phonetic: (UN-ih-KWIV-uh-kuhl)
Meaning: Unequivocal means leaving no doubt or uncertainty; clear and straightforward.
- His unequivocal support for the project boosted morale among the team members.
- The jury's verdict was unequivocal, delivering a clear message of guilt.
10. Insuperable
Phonetic: (in-SOO-puh-ruh-buhl)
Meaning: Insuperable refers to something that cannot be overcome or surmounted; insurmountable.
- The mountain climbers faced insuperable obstacles as they attempted to reach the summit.
- Despite their best efforts, they found the language barrier insuperable in their negotiations.
11. Preclude
Phonetic: (April-KLOOD)
Meaning: Preclude means to prevent something from happening or to make something impossible.
- His lack of experience precluded him from applying for the advanced position.
- The rainy weather precluded any outdoor activities for the weekend.
12. Superseded
Phonetic: (SOO-puhr-SEED-id)
Meaning: Superseded means to replace or take the place of something, especially if it is outdated or no longer useful.
- The new edition of the software superseded the previous version with enhanced features.
- Traditional methods of communication have been superseded by modern technology.
13. Collaboration with
Phonetic: (kuh-LAB-uh-RAY-shun with)
Meaning: Collaboration involves working together to achieve a common goal or project.
- The research team engaged in collaboration with experts from various disciplines.
- Her successful collaboration with the design team resulted in an innovative product.
14. Common with
Phonetic: (KOM-on with)
Meaning: Common with refers to something shared or having similarities with something else.
- His experiences growing up in the city had many aspects in common with his peers.
- The issues they faced were common with those encountered by similar organizations.
15. Sporadic
Phonetic: (spuh-RAD-ik)
Meaning: Sporadic describes something that occurs at irregular intervals or scattered points in time.
- The company experienced sporadic internet outages throughout the day.
- She made sporadic attempts to clean her room, but it always ended up messy again.
16. Individualistic
Phonetic: (in-duh-vij-oo-uhl-IS-tik)
Meaning: Individualistic relates to a person or behavior characterized by independence and self-reliance.
- The culture of the region emphasized individualistic pursuits and personal achievement.
- She had an individualistic approach to problem-solving, preferring to work alone.
17. Homogeneous
Phonetic: (hoh-muh-JEE-nee-uhs)
Meaning: Homogeneous describes a group or mixture uniform in composition or character.
- The school prided itself on its homogeneous student body, representing diverse backgrounds.
- The laboratory ensured that the samples were homogeneous before experimenting.
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